
Frequently Asked Questions

Here're some of the most common questions with their answers.

  • How to create a reservation period

    1. Open the GGGolf desktop application.

    2. In the main window click on the Options button.

    3. In the menu bar click Periods.

    4. Click the + icon under Reservation Options.

    • Enter a Description name
    • Enter a unique Code (This will be displayed when this specific Period is used in a Tee Sheet)

    5. Under Reservation period Generation enter the following

    • Enter time from and to
    • Select the number minutes for each period
    • Click on the Generation button

    See the screenshot

    6. The Periods which have now been generated can be used in the following modules

    a) Calendar

    b) Days

    c) Tournaments

  • Detailed member reports

    Follow this procedure to generate an Excel exportation of detailed information for the club’s members which can be manipulated within Excel using “Pivot tables”.

    This will produce a report based on the specific needs of the club.

    1. Open the GGGolf desktop application.

    2. In the main window click on the Members button

    3. In the menu bar click on Reports → Export data to Excel → Detailed Info

    → See the screenshot

    a) Use Current filter Selection: Check this box if you want to export specific member types and not all the club’s members

    b) Include Inactive Members: Check this box if you want to include inactive members ( members of previous years )

    c) Include Special Members: Leave this one unchecked

    d) Include Non-Golf Members: Uncheck to generate a report of golf members only ( no social, curling, etc.)

    e) Include Notes: Leave checked

    f) Calculate Ages and Numbers of Years members as of: Leave default date, unless you want to generate a report of previous years.

    4. Click Generate file

    5. Save file on desktop

    6. Open file with Excel

    7. Client will need to use the Pivot table feature within excel to build the specific report they are looking for.

  • Monthly sales report (Proshop/Resto)

    1. Open the GGGolf desktop application.

    2. In the menu bar click on Acomba → Point of Sale

    3. In the Point of Sale click on the Search Invoice button.

    4. In the menu bar click on SpecialDisplay Invoices for a Date Range

    5. Enter your date range and click on the Search button.

    → See the screenshot

    6. Once the results of the search has completed, click on the Summary button.

  • Synchronization issues with Golf Canada

    Golf Canada Synchronization Issues (Member is not showing a Handicap)

    1. Open the GGGolf desktop application.

    2. In the main window click on the Members button.

    3. Within the Member’s list, locate and double click on the member in question.

    4. Within the member’s profile, click on Misc.

    → See the screenshot

    5. Verify and ensure the member has been assigned a Golf Canada Membership #

    → See the screenshot

    a) If the member has not been assigned a GC Membership #, the Golf club will need to contact Golf Canada

    b) Ensure the member is set to Gold or Gold Pending under Golf Association (handicap) dropdown.

    c) Once these pieces of information have been confirmed and entered, exit the member’s profile and close the GGGolf application.

    6. Log-on to the Golf Canada site (http://scg1.golfnet.com/login) to access and view the clubs member roster to verify and ensure the member in question is set to active. If the member is NOT set to active, the club will need to contact Golf Canada.

    7. Open the GGGolf Administrative Tools

    8. On the side menu tab click on Automation → Golf Canada Members → Select the Golf Club of the member in the drop down.

    a) Check off the box Update?

    → See the screenshot

    9. Click on the Execute button

  • How to create a tournament

    How to Create a Tournament (Link Tournament to the Tee Sheet)

    1. Open the GGGolf desktop application

    2. In the main window click on the Tournament button (if the club is subscribed to the Event module, the same button will be named Event Management)

    3. In the menu bar click on List of Tournaments

    4. Click on the Add button.

    → See the screenshot

    5. Once all the required information has been entered in the Event Registration Details click on the check mark at the top to save.

    → See the screenshot

    6. To link the Tournament which you created to the Tee Sheet, in the menu bar click on Rounds.

    a) Before you can link the Tournament to the Tee Sheet ensure that a Tee Sheet has been generated first for that day.

    b) Enter the Date of the Round s

    c) Enter the # of rounds for the tournament

    d) Enter the time of the first tee time

    e) Enter the time of the last tee time

    f) Enter the # of players per Tee Time

    7. Click on the Display Tee sheet button

    → See the screenshot

    8. Once the information has been entered, RIGHT click anywhere on this row and select Block tee times for round.

    9. Exit the Tournament module and return to the Tee Sheet for the day in question and the Tournament will now appear.

  • How to install GGGolf on a workstation

    1. Open up a File Explorer and select Network. Network is used to see all the other computers on the same Network as yours.

    2. Find the Server Computer in which the GGGolf Program is hosted on. Once selected, GGGolf will appear as a Shared File within it.

    Notes: If you are unsure as to which computer is hosting GGGolf or if you can’t find any computer on your Network, please contact your club technician as he is responsible for your equipment. We are not responsible for that.

    3. Select GGGolf again to see all the files within the Shared File.

    4. Find the Application called GGGolf (or GGGolf.exe).

    5. Once found, select the file using the right mouse button and do Create shortcut. A new file called “GGGolf – Shortcut” should appear.

    6. Drag and drop the “GGGolf – Shortcut” file onto your Desktop.

    Notes: Make sure to log into your GGGolf and go to Options and then System to select your Workstation Type. If your Workstation type needs to be setup as Proshop or Administration, please look for How to link GGGolf to Acomba.

    → See the screenshot

  • How to link GGGolf to Acomba

    1. Open up a File Explorer and select Network. Network is used to see all the other computers on the same Network as yours.

    2. Find the Server Computer in which the GGGolf Program is hosted on. Once selected, GGGolf will appear as a Shared File within it.

    Notes: If you are unsure as to which computer is hosting GGGolf or if you can’t find any computer on your Network, please contact your club technician as he is responsible for your equipment. We are not responsible for that.

    3. Select GGGolf again to see all the files within the Shared File.

    4. Find the folder called Install.

    5. Select the application called AcoODBC (or AcoODBC.exe) using the right-mouse button and select Run as Administrator.

    Note: The AcoODBC application absolutely needs to be opened using Administrator privileges for it to work for the next steps. If you cannot use Run as Administrator, contact your club technician as he is responsible for your equipment.)

    6. A message prompt will appear. Select Yes, and then OK for the second prompt.

    7. Open up File Explorer and select This PC.

    8. Within Devices and drives, select your C: drive.

    9. Select the Windows file folder and look for the folder named SysWOW64.

    10. Find the Application named odbcad32. To simplify the search, press the letter O three types on your keyboard.

    11. Run the program with Administrator permissions and select System DSN.

    12. Select Add and select Acomba ODBC Driver. If you can’t find it, repeat step 1 through 6 to install the driver.

    13. Fill out the data. The name of the source will always be Acomba, and the links for both Acomba and the society should look something like this respectively: [\\(nameofserver)\Acomba\Fortune] and [\\(nameofserver)\Acomba\F1000.DTA\(Nameofcompany)]. As for the user and password, use your Acomba credentials.

    → See the screenshot

    Notes: How the link will be ultimately depends on how your files are setup. As long as the links finish both Fortune and F1000.DTA\Name of Company respectively is all that matters. If you are unsure the setup was done properly, use Test the Connection to see if the links are valid or not.

    14. Select Test the Connection. If the connexion is a success, proceed to the next step. If not, the message prompt will warn you where an error was encountered.

    15. Close down the ODBC Data Source and repeat Step 1-3, but with Acomba instead of GGGolf.

    16. Find the Application named WRInfo and run it as an Administrator.

    17. Once the program loads, go to the SDK tab and browse to find the installation folder if it isn’t already pre-loaded into the program. Follow Step 1-4 within the File Browser in order to find the SDK file inside of Fortune.

    Notes: Disregard the Warning prompt that might appear when the program is done loading.

    18. Once finished, it should look like this: \\(nameofserver\Acomba\Fortune\SDK\. Afterwards, select Save Settings.

  • How to create a new button in the point of sale

    1. In the main menu of GGGolf, go in the Acomba tab and then select POS buttons configuration.

    2. Select a blank slot using the right-mouse button and choose Add a button.

    3. Once the button is completed, select Done. To further modify it afterwards, use right-click and select Modify button.

    Notes: To add more button slots, you can add additional tabs or modify the number of columns and rows in the POS Button Configuration.

  • How to change greenfee prices

    1. In the main menu of GGGolf, go to Options and go to Greenfees.

    2. Within the Greenfees list, select the greenfee that needs to be changed (e.g Greenfees 18 Holes) and go to Greenfees detail.

    3. Within Greenfees detail, look for the Greenfees Billing Codes.

    4. Find them on Acomba using the same names and modify the prices.

    5. Return to the Main Menu, go on the Acomba tab and select Point of Sale. A message saying that some prices in Greenfees were updated will appear.

  • How to link a new printer to GGGolf

    1. In the main menu of GGGolf, go to Options and then select System.
    2. At the bottom of System, select the tabs and choose the right printer.

    → See the screenshot

  • Member reservations in advance

    How to Change How many Days in Advance Members can take Reservations (For all Courses and for a Specific Member Type)

    For every Courses:

    1. In the main menu of GGGolf, go to Options and then select Days

    2. Within Days, change the number of days in advance the customers can book in advance for both non-ballot days and normal ballot days for every day of the week. It will become the Default setting.

    For a Specific Member Type:

    1. In the main menu of GGGolf, go to Options and then select Restrictions.

    2. To create a new restriction, select Add and fill out the Restriction Class and Description first so you can save it.

    3. Fill out when the restriction would apply. It is also important to select if it applies only for ballots, for non-ballots or both.

    4. Select which member type will be affected by going in Member Types by Restriction, choosing the member type and then selecting Apply Restrictions.

    Notes: You can only restrict the number of days in advance a member type can take, not allow them more. If you want to add more days in advance for a specific member type, change the number of days in the Days Tab in Options and create a restriction that will apply to your other member types.

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